
Onze behandelingen zijn wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. Nieuwe behandelingen worden uitvoerig onderzocht op kwaliteit en effectiviteit, in samenwerking met de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de publicaties van Interapy en ander interessant wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

Interapy. Treatment of posttraumatic stress through the Internet: a controlled trial

Door Interapy Nederland | 12-07-2012, Samenvatting
On-line therapy offers many advantages over face-to-face settings. Interapy includes psycho-education, screening, effect measures and protocol-driven treatment via the Internet for clients. The present paper reports the results of a controlled trial on the Interapy  treatment of posttraumatic stress and grief in students, gaining course credits. The participants in the experimental condition (n ¼ 13) improved significantly than the participants in the waiting-list control condition (n ¼ 12), on trauma-related symptoms and  general psychopathology. The effect sizes were large. Eighty percent of the treated  participants showed clinically significant improvement after treatment. The possibilities for  future research with Interapy, including studies into moderating variables, are discussed.

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