
Onze behandelingen zijn wetenschappelijk onderbouwd. Nieuwe behandelingen worden uitvoerig onderzocht op kwaliteit en effectiviteit, in samenwerking met de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de publicaties van Interapy en ander interessant wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

Interapy: A Controlled Randomized Trial of the Standardized Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Through the Internet

Door Interapy Nederland | 12-07-2012, Samenvatting
Online therapy offers many advantages over face-to-face therapy. Interapy includes psychoeducation, screening, effect measures, and a protocol-driven treatment via the Internet for people suffering from posttraumatic stress. The present article reports the results of a controlled trial on the Internet-driven treatment of posttraumatic stress and grief in a group of people who manifested mild to relatively severe trauma symptoms. Participants in the treatment condition (n  69) improved significantly more than participants in the waiting-list control condition (n  32) on trauma-related symptoms and general psychopathology. The effect sizes were large. On most subscales, more than 50% of the treated participants showed reliable change and clinically significant improvement,  with the highest percentages being found for depression and avoidance.

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